Plymouth Bottling Works

The latter half of the 19th century was a period of industrial growth in America, but limited transportation capabilities kept much of that industry localized. This was true of the bottled beverage industry, of which Plymouth had several different bottlers. Anhalt and Hostmann’s Plymouth Bottling Works – located at 108 Caroline St. on the northwest corner of Mill and Caroline Streets – produced soda, mineral waters, and beer to slake local thirsts. The original old wood frame building was later replaced by the current brick structure. Plymouth Bottling Works operated from 1904 through 1905. Its name changed to Plymouth Soda Water Works in 1906. Like many others, the early bottling plants in Plymouth were labor-intensive with much of the work done largely by hand with the aid of machinery. Plymouth Bottling Works by artist FranCisco Vargas is sponsored by Bank First National.