Plymouth Review

As the oldest extant business in Plymouth, The Review has a history that started in 1895. It began when Fred L. Carroll and Lem W. Bowers began to distribute The Review from a building near the present Mill Street Grill. The Review has occupied various spaces since then. Today, it is located at 113 E. Mill St. in a stout brick structure that once served as a horse livery and garage. To expand operations, that building was joined to the adjacent building at 115 E. Mill St. Earlier papers in Plymouth included the Reporter, which started in 1872 before it merged with The Review in 1927. The town also produced two German-language newspapers, the Correspondent) and the Post. The Review absorbed the Dairy Herald in 1927, and for a time was called The Review-Herald-Reporter. In 1961, under absentee ownership, the newspaper had some growth until it was hit by a strike of several printers who wanted a union contract. The owners refused, and instead converted the business to a modern offset printing method that replaced the old hot metal process. The new method of printing resulted in higher quality full-color photos, a better general appearance, and vastly increased printing speed and volume. In 1963, The Review was published weekly and delivered to about 2,500 families. The paper generally consisted of 16 pages or less and was printed at 12,000 pages per hour on a Harris S7L press, four pages at a time on one side of a sheet of newsprint. After printing, the pages had to be hand-fed through a folding machine. Today, the papers are printed on a web-leader press with the potential to print and fold more than one million pages per hour. The newspapers are distributed to nearly every home in Sheboygan County and are the legal newspapers of record for the county as well as 21 municipalities and school districts. The corporation was named Plymouth’s Small Business of the Year in 1996. In this mural, the delivery boy pictured is Paul Sartori, who was 12 years old at the time. Paul Sartori is now retired from Sartori Company, which is also headquartered in Plymouth. The Border collie is “Fly” who comes to work daily with The Review’s owners. Plymouth Review by artist Brent Logan is proudly sponsored by Ace Supply & Rental.